Have a licensed medical doctor review your client's MRIs independently

Increase Your Case Value

Have your MRIs reviewed by a neurosurgeon and orthopedic surgeon to increase your case value.

Independent Diagnostic Imaging Review

Create a full proof system to make sure your clients get the treatment they need through independent diagnostic imaging reviews.

Professional Staff Training

Train your entire staff on the type of doctors, treatments, and protocols for most common Personal Injury cases.


Discover through a win-win situation for all your Personal Injury clients that Increase case values for your personal injury clients with no out of pocket expense.

About Corrective Consultants

Imaging including X-rays, CTs and MRIs can reveal the true nature of injuries on a client. It is important for trained doctors to evaluate these findings to help your clients get the care they need.

Personal injury lawyers should always be looking out for their client’s best interests by using independent evaluations to look for other missed injuries. Corrective Consultants uses independent medical doctors to evaluate and suggest treatments that may not be available from the current specialists that your clients are seeing. This opens the possibility of finding different doctors that can help diagnose and treat your patients more effectively through independent diagnostic reviews.

Corrective Consultants also educate your staff on all the different treatment options that are available for specific spinal injuries. This ensures proper medical management for all your pi clients so there are no missed procedures that should otherwise been recommended.

Dr. Walid Radwan

Corrective Consultants has been a game-changer for our firm. In several cases, they discovered inaccurate MRI findings and improper medical recommendations. This has taken case values from $100k to One Million plus. I highly recommend them for all pi clients with positive MRI findings.

– Ali Awad Esq.

Why Corrective Consultants?

Increase case values for personal injury clients.

According to the American radiology institute, over 42% of MRIs are set up incorrectly. This means that clients with legitimate injuries to their discs and other soft tissues and bone can go undiagnosed without a proper independent evaluation.

Have a licensed medical doctor review your client's MRIs independently

A licensed doctor will give you an evaluation of the extent of the injuries and the likelihood that they were caused by the specific accident in question, which minimizes problems such as treating patients for unrelated injuries during the initial accident.

Free training to your attorneys and support stuff

Corrective Consultants provide free training to your attorneys and support staff to know what to look for when it comes to spinal injuries to do a more thorough intake and proper evaluation, leading to better care resulting in higher settlements.

No cost out of pocket to you

The MRI evaluations are case expenses that are billed to the client. We only evaluate MRIs with positive findings or where the client is complaining of pain that their treatment hasn't addressed. This ensures that every MRI evaluation yields a positive ROI for your client's case.

Get a brief, no-obligation Consultation.

no contracts, no hidden fees, no obligations from the firm. this is done by a case-by-case basis, and you can stop at any time.

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